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Do You Need A Box Spring With A Memory Foam Mattress?

Memory foam mattresses are known to offer relief for pressure points. While these types mattresses offer great support for your body, do they need support themselves? Should you place them on a box spring?

Understanding the Traditional Mattress Setup

Traditionally, beds have always had two basic components; a box spring unit, referred to as a divan, and a mattress. A divan typically features a wooden frame with a series of springs. This box spring ensures the bed is high enough for sleepers to get on and off the bed with ease. It also ensures the mattress is not exposed to elements that might contribute to wear and tear. Lastly, the divan ensures the mattress is supported perfectly in a horizontal position. Box springs are normally covered with fabric, and a headboard is attached to them

Today, divans are not common. Instead, most people use foundations instead of box springs as mattress bases. Rather than having springs like on divan beds, today’s platform beds feature evenly spaced pieces of wood that support the mattress. When the woods are spaced close together, the mattress is offered more support. Platform beds absorb less shock compared to box springs.

Does a Memory Foam Mattress Need a Box Spring?

A box spring is not essential for a memory foam mattress. Memory foam mattresses are designed stable and supportive, unlike traditional mattresses that needed a divan bed. You can rest your mattress on any rigid surface including your existing box spring, a platform bed, a Bunkie board, your floor, or any other foundation available. Even your floor can be a good platform for a memory foam mattress.

Metal Bed Frames and Memory Foam Mattresses

When you are using a metal bed frame, you might need a box spring for your memory foam mattress. The metal frame will perfectly distribute your body and mattresses’ weight when placed on a divan.

Platform Beds

The slats of a platform bed are enough to offer support to your memory foam mattress. As such, you do not necessarily need a box spring.

Wooden Slat Platform

You do not need a box spring if you have a wooden slat platform bed. The wooden slate will provide adequate support to your memory foam mattress. When the slates are evenly spaced, they distribute your and that of the mattress efficiently.

Adjustable Beds

An adjustable bed frame is enough to support a memory foam mattress without the need for a box spring. When placed on an adjustable bed, the mattress will move freely when you raise or lower your head or your legs.

How Does a Box Spring Help?

Conventionally, box springs were used to offer added support, especially when using an old mattress. Today, there’s more to divans than just that. For starters, they also bring the mattress to the desired height. If you want to swing out of bed and get on with your day, you might need a box spring. However, this does not mean that a box spring is a requirement when you have a memory foam mattress.

Why a Box Spring is not Necessary

Memory foam mattresses are sturdy. While they are great when you need a softer mattress, they are firm enough to lie on any surface. Again, when the box springs wear out, springs might come off, and puncture your mattress. If you are worried about having springs piercing through your mattress, you can ditch box springs and instead have a platform bed.

Protecting Your Memory Foam Mattress

A good base is ideal for your memory foam mattress. Most mattress manufacturers recommend that for the warranty to hold, you a good base, or foundation. Even after you have chosen an excellent foundation, you will still need to care for your mattress. Some of the ways to do that include:

  • Rotating/flipping your mattress after a few months of use – This ensures that pressure is evenly spread on the mattress so that no part wears out before the other.
  • Breathable support – Using memory foam mattresses with a fabric-covered plywood base facilitates breathing. When a memory foam mattress breathes, its lifespan is extended.
  • Cover the mattress – Covering your mattress protects it from UV rays. This facilitates good hygiene and ensures spills do not penetrate the mattress.
  • Protect the mattress from the sun – When exposed to harsh sunlight, foam mattresses will turn yellowish and might break down fast.
  • Avoid jumping on your foam mattress – Unnatural pressure on foam mattresses can cause permanent sagging.

Box Spring or Any Other Foundation for your Memory Foam?

A box spring base in good condition is great for your memory foam mattress. Covering the wooden frame with a piece of fabric, allows the mattress to breathe. However, any other foundation is ideal for a memory foam mattress as long as it offers enough support.

