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All You Need to Know About Scoliosis Pain

Scoliosis is defined as a condition in which there is a spinal abnormality. The spine gets twisted to the sides or curves abnormally. It results in pulling the ribcage away from its position and leads to strain over the back muscles which causes discomfort and pain. Scoliosis is not considered as a rare disorder as …

How to Clean a Mattress: Remove Stains and Urine

Your trusty mattress is on the receiving end when it comes to dust mites, sweat, and even blood stains. Accidents happen, and if you have a mattress with a good share of tough blood stains, you’ll want to know the proper way of cleaning it. For starters, blood stains are difficult to remove because blood …

How to Fix Sleep Schedule for Quality Sleep and Health

Just a simple interruption can throw your sleep schedule off, and efforts to fix it can prove to be quite a task. Sometimes it can be something as simple as watching a movie until past your bedtime or working for just a few more hours. Once you go to bed late, you will most probably …

When is the Perfect Time to Buy a Mattress

Curling up in a good, high-quality mattress is perhaps the best way of relaxing after a long day. But buying one is quite the opposite. There are so many decisions surrounding which mattress to buy, let alone when to buy it. As of 2017, you can order just about anything online. When it comes to …

How to Stay Awake-10 Ways According To Science

It does not go without saying that human’s functionality depends upon how many hours he sleeps. Sleep is just like the tuning of your body as to work actively. However, experts believe that an adult should sleep at least 6-7 hours a day. You must think about how long can you go without sleep. As per …